That’s right, forget about the egg, for now. We’re not here to talk about that. Nobody…and I mean NOBODY, goes and purchases some chicken feed, then sits down to figure out what they’re going to feed with it. It’s just not how things are done! It’s pointless to have food for something that you don't yet have in your possession.
But, what do many marketers do? They plan out their mailer and message (feed) before they have a list of people they intend to send it to. Imagine having a meal prepared, setting out the table for a group of guests, and you don’t even know what guests you’re inviting to the meal yet. Silly, right? I can’t even begin to tell you, in the last 20+ years, how many times I’ve sat across the desk from a client who wanted to work on a mailer, but when asked about the recipients, said, “Whats your reviews?” Wow…talk about “cart before the horse”.
But, what do many marketers do? They plan out their mailer and message (feed) before they ohave a list of people they intend to send it to. Imagine having a meal prepared, setting out the table for a group of guests, and you don’t even know what guhests you’re inviting to the meal yet. Silly, right? I can’t even begin to tell you, in the last 20+ years, how many times I’ve sat across the desk from a client who wanted to work on a mailer, but when asked about the recipients, said, “Whats your
Before you move onto your next task, here's something to try. I want you to prepare the ultimate list. Don’t even think about what you’ll send them, just prep your list.
Build your list.
Scrutinize over your list. What are your criteria? Which criteria are most important?
Know WHY you’re sending to this group of people.
Clean your list...make sure it's rock solid.
Refine your list again.
Then and only then are you ready to figure out your marketing package. Why? Because you now know your audience! You know what’s next? After a short test…refine your list again! To read the next post click here!