WHAT'S THE MAGIC WORD?We all heard this a lot growing up. We learn at a very early age that "please" and "thank you" get us pretty far. People respond, and...
WHICH CAME FIRST, THE CHICKEN OR THE FEED?That’s right, forget about the egg, for now. We’re not here to talk about that. Nobody…and I mean NOBODY, goes and purchases some chicken...
DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST DATE?OK…maybe I don’t mean the very first one, but do you remember the first important date? Hopefully, you were hyper-focused on your date,...
QUICK...NAME A "ONE-HIT WONDER!"You remember those tunes, don’t you? The dude never had a hit in his life, then BAM…he knocks a song out of the park, straight up the...
HOW CAN YOU PROJECT A MORE SUCCESSFUL IMAGE?More clients will trust you with their business if they see you’re professional and successful...right? Well, honestly, it’s a trick...
HOW OFTEN DO YOU SCORE 100%?What I want to go over with you today is “The Three T’s” of direct mail campaign effectiveness. They are: 1.) Test 2.) Track 3.) Tweak...